Related Nodes

4006 -- Who is Afraid of Transparency?
(What would Lenin do in the age of social media?)

4008 -- Ben's letter to WSWS (Oct 1, 2020)

4010 & 4013 -- Ben's exchanges with
r/socialism moderators (Oct 2020)

Reddit discussion threads

(marxists_USCA) (November 17) (Sept 30 - Nov 11)

(other Reddit forums)
Socialism(308K) -- Socialism_101(80K) -- Trotskyism(2300) -- TheTrotskyists(2900) -- Marxism(26K) -- demsocialists(18K)

Permanently Banned: Communism(170K), Communism101(116K)

WSWS supporter CB and Ben exchange replies

Full size graphics below

My original article on WSWS website relaunch
(posted at Node 4006)

The WSWS responded by blocking me
from commenting on their articles

Our movement needs a common platform,
a level playing field for struggle

Democratic Algorithms will cut reformism
and sectarianism down to size

Readers will be able to filter out reformist illusions

Any reader will have the right to rate any article,
and you will have the right to filter by using
the ratings given by those who you trust

Readers will be able to filter out sectarian cultism

Readers will be able to filter out clueless jerks

An example of what a reader might see

Revolutionary content will cluster at the core

The relationship between the platform and the party

The machine we need is inevitable
-- this will become more obvious over time --

Click here for more cool graphics